In a groundbreaking move, a radio station in the US has achieved a global first by introducing a full-time DJ powered by artificial intelligence (AI). KBFF Live 95.5 FM, operated by Alpha Media, has partnered with Futuri Media’s RadioGPT software to bring an AI/synthetic version of their midday host, Ashley Elzinga, to the airwaves. This innovative approach has garnered attention and was reported by Fox Business.

According to Alpha Media’s EVP of Content, Phil Becker, RadioGPT allows them to showcase their content creators in new and exciting ways, offering a greater variety and frequency of engaging information for their audience and clients. He expressed excitement about the agility that AI brings to the radio station, enabling them to adapt swiftly to evolving needs.

Recently, the radio station shared a tweet featuring a video of Elzinga introducing the new AI host to her listeners. In the footage, the AI flawlessly played back the host’s comments, giving the impression of a direct recording. Elzinga jokingly remarked, “I guess I have the day off,” highlighting the seamless integration of the AI-powered DJ.

Another video demonstrated the AI version of Ashley informing a lucky caller about winning tickets to a Taylor Swift concert. The AI voice closely resembled the natural conversational tone of the original host, appearing relaxed and engaging.

Addressing concerns among local DJs, the station made it clear that the AI DJ will not replace the real Ashley. Elzinga will continue to receive her regular pay, ensuring that human DJs are not adversely affected. It’s worth noting that music streaming platform Spotify has also introduced its AI feature called “DJ” for premium customers in the UK and Ireland, following its initial launch in the US and Canada earlier this year.

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